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Acan Windows outsourcing profile extrusion

By Michael Lauzon
Published: July 17, 2013 3:46 pm ET

The island of Newfoundland, famous for its tourism, fisheries and forestry at the eastern edge of Canada, will be the source of an auction of window profile extrusion equipment.
Acan Windows & Doors has stopped window profile extrusion at its Paradise, Newfoundland, plant and is relying on profiles sourced from mainland Canada to make vinyl windows and doors.
“It’s more cost efficient to buy from extrusion specialists,” said Acan owner Leslie Amoiles in a telephone interview. Acan stopped profile extrusion early in 2013 and is now sourcing vinyl profiles from Vision Extrusions of Vaughan, Ontario, north of Toronto. Vision was established by vinyl extrusion veteran Vic De Zen in 2008.
Amoiles said Acan had been extruding vinyl profiles for 20 years of its 25-year history.
Acan President Ten Kwon said in a telephone interview that the company was the only profile extruder in Atlantic Canada, a region that also encompasses Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, provinces best known for tourism, fisheries, forestry, agriculture and mining.
“We don’t expect any interest in the extrusion equipment from Newfoundland [companies],” Kwon predicted.
Infinity Asset Solutions of Concord, Ontario, is coordinating the online auction with bidding starting July 23 at 9 a.m. eastern time with bidding ending July 24 at 2 p.m. eastern time. Inspection is scheduled July 18 at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment.
“We have a great name in windows and doors,” said Amoiles, who stressed Acan is continuing window and door assembly in its 120,000-square-foot plant.
Assets for sale include seven extrusion lines as new as 2011. Five lines are Reifenhauser machines along with single Amut and Jari extrusion systems. Other equipment for sale is a Dynaflow die cleaning machine, Reinfenhauser standalone coextruders, blending systems, surface grinder and EDM machines and a Marley outdoor cooling tower.

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