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Toshiba hosts students, teachers for its first Manufacturing Day
  By Bill Bregar
Published: November 19, 2014 6:00 am ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 8:39 am ET

Toshiba Machine Corp. hosted high school students and teachers, community colleges and universities for its first participation in Manufacturing Day on Oct. 3, at its headquarters in Elk Grove Village, Ill.

Toshiba demonstrated injection molding systems, machine tools and Scara robots. Company officials also gave an overview of the plastics industry and the types of jobs that are available.

Guest speakers included Michael Taylor, senior director of international affairs and trade for the Society of the Plastics Industry Inc., and Omar Ghrayeb, associate dean of outreach and undergraduate programs at Northern Illinois University.

People from supplier companies also gave presentations, including Meadoworks, Paulson Training Programs Inc., RJG Inc., Reiloy Westland Corp. and Yushin America Inc.

“We have been diligently working on a program that would increase the next generation’s awareness of manufacturing, especially in Illinois, so that we can maintain America’s strength in the global economy,” said Toshiba machine America General Manager Tom KcKevitt.

Tel. 888-593-1616, www.toshiba-machine.com.

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