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Indiana Plastics adds press, plans to double molding space

By Frank Antosiewicz
Published: November 13, 2014 11:30 am ET
Updated: November 13, 2014 11:34 am ET

Image By: Indiana Plastics Inc.
Indiana Plastics Inc.'s product line ranges from auto and electronics to parts for musical instruments, including its own "Xaphoon."

Indiana Plastics Inc. recently boosted its tonnage capability, adding a 500 ton Niigata injection molding machine and is planning to double its molding space next year.

It’s a big step up for Indiana Plastics, according to Vice President James Kruis. He said in a telephone interview that the company’s largest machine was previously 330 tons, but they needed the larger press for an agricultural client as well as others. It is also outfitted with a Yushin robot.

“Business is extremely good,” said Kruis, noting that they’ve 15 to 20 percent growth annually for eight of the last nine years.

He said that the company has 12 injection molding machines in all, and they now range from 75 to 500 tons.   Six of the machines are all-electric and set up with robotics. In the last year, it converted all three of its facilities to high energy fluorescent lighting and also added a Micro-Vu measuring system.

The company was started by brothers John and Herman Kruis in 1958 as a grinding business. It now operates as two sister companies: Indiana Plastics, the injection molder, and Kruis Mold and Engineering Inc., a mold maker and engineering operation.

The two companies now have 55 employees, adding 15 in the last year.

The businesses occupy a 30,000-square-foot complex spread over three buildings, and Kruis said that they are in the planning stages to double the molding space next year. Now the molding is done in about 12,000 square feet.

He said that the company has grown through its abilities to take on difficult to make parts, troubleshooting and solving problems for customers.

Indiana Plastics has a varied slate of customers, including medical, agricultural, automotive, musical and marine industry. It also does assembly.

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