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Investment firm buys Ontario cap molder
  By Jim Johnson
Published: October 23, 2014 2:01 pm ET
Updated: October 23, 2014 2:02 pm ET

A company whose varied interests include food and refrigerated transportation businesses is now moving into plastic caps.

A.C. Simmonds & Sons Inc. of King City, Ontario, said it acquired Plasticap of Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Plasticap makes specialty caps and closures for a number of vertical markets, including food, dairy, beverages, condiments, industrial, petrochemical, medical and pharmaceutical, according to its website. The company also provides stock caps.

"With efficiencies and advancements in production and the technological ability to offer customers logo branding, security and tamper proof closures, Plasticap has great potential for growth with new and existing customers in the bio-medical, pharmaceutical, food, household and personal care industries,” said A.C. Simmonds CEO John Simmonds in a news release.

"A.C. Simmonds will enable us to take full advantage of the growth opportunities we see in existing and new markets," said Peter Gossmann, president of Plasticap, in the release.

A.C. Simmonds was known as BLVD Holdings Inc. before changing its name this year.

Earlier this year, the company acquired Goudas Foods Products & Investments Ltd., a supplier of ethnic and international foods in Canada. The company also acquired Direct Reefer Services Inc., which operates a fleet of refrigeration and temperature control trailers and power units in Ontario and Quebec.

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