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NGR system designed to recycle bulky or thick-walled plastic parts
  By Bill Bregar
Published: October 22, 2014 11:04 am ET
Updated: October 22, 2014 11:05 am ET

NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH demonstrated its A:GRAN-series systems to recycle bulky or thick-walled plastic parts at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

A heavy-duty shredder operating at low speed gives gentle size reduction, and a minimal loss of material properties. Pneumatic rams push the material onto the shredder drum. After shredding, the material gets fed directly into the extruder.

The unit is compact. A central controller runs all components, including the conveyor belt, extruder, and pelletizer. Features include east startup and shut down, plus the ability to load the conveyor belt discontinuously.

NGR, based in Fieldkirchen/Donau, Austria, received the Upper Austrian Innovation-Award for developing the process called LSP-Process (liquid state polycondensation) to enhance the material properties of PET. LSP enhances PET through post condensation in the molten state, surpassing governmental requirements for food approvals. That quickly transforms production waste PET into high-quality resin.

Michael Struggle, head of the Economic Council, and Michael Rockenschaub, CEO of Sparkasse Oberösterreich, to NGR’s technical director, Thomas Pichler, and David Hehenberger, who lead the LSP project.

The LSP-Process won approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for food contact in November of 2013, according to NGR.

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