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Transparent nylons fill performance gap
  By Michael Lauzon
Published: October 22, 2014 10:40 am ET
Updated: October 22, 2014 10:41 am ET

Invista has introduced cost-effective, transparent nylons in trial quantities for sampling.

The Wichita, Kan., firm says the new resins could replace polycarbonate in some applications requiring improved chemical and fuel resistance. They could also be alternatives to more expensive transparent nylons.

Invista says the new nylons are designed to bridge the performance/cost gap between standard nylons and high-performance nylons, which are costly and can be overengineered. Invista’s specialty nylon lineup gives customers a chance to break into new markets and end-uses that were precluded by high prices for high-performance nylons, according to Invista’s director of new business development Allen Reihman.

The company says the transparent nylons debut will be followed by Invista’s development of other specialty nylons such as semicrystalline high-performance nylons and other materials for automotive, electrical, film and industrial uses.

Tel. 877-446-8478 or 316-828-1599, email nisp@invista.com.

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