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Sepro to show 23 robots at K 2013
  By Bill Bregar
Published: July 17, 2013 3:13 pm ET
French robot maker Sepro Robotique’s K 2013 stand will be jam-packed with 23 robots, with another six on booths of partner companies.
The display will be the largest every for Sepro. Sepro’s K show motto is “Your Free Choice in Robots,” which refers top Sepro’s global reach and combination of Cartesian beam robots and articulating-arm robots, developed together with Stäubli Robotics.
Here is a sampling:
Two six-axis articulating-arm robots will operate together with three five-axis Cartesian robots. The five-axis 5X line is based on Sepro three-axis beam robots and a two-axis Stäubli servo wrist. The 6X Visual line of robots combines a Stäubli six-axis articulating robot with an eaty-to-use Sepro Visual 3 controller.
Sepro Multi-Inject 20 robot, shown for the first time at K, will operate on a multi-material, in-mold labeling application with a Sumitomo press with 210 metric tons of clamping force, molding ice scrapers with a soft-touch grip.
An s5-15 axial robot will run insert molding on a 60-tonne Arburg press. The robot, to be set up so the horizontal beam runs parallel to the injection unit, will produce a toy car with wheels and metal axles.
Also, four Sepro robots will run on the Sumitomo Demag stand. The Haitian Plastics Machinery exhibit will run three more Sepro robots. The company’s automation also wioll be shown at Romi Sandretto, Billion and JSW Windsor.
Sepro CEO Jean-Machel Renaudeau said the company’s product line is almost entirely new since the 2010 K show. Much of the new lineup was introduced within the last 13 months.
Sepro is based in La Roche-sur-Yon, France. Sepro America LLC is in Pittsburgh.
Tel. 412-459-0452, email jhealy@seproamerica.com.
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